4HMT 4-H Million Trees Home (4HMT Logo)

250,000 members
30,000,000 trees

4-H Youth Development Program: Million Trees Project


4HMT uses a multi-level approach to publicity.

In addition to seeking local, regional, and national press coverage for the project, 4HMT hopes that members and leaders from clubs and units across the nations will place community service announcements in the local media outlets, including newspapers, radio stations, and televisions stations. Youth Corresponding Secretaries at each club, or members of each 4-H unit can contact us to see a sample news release template, and then adapt it for their purposes. Most media outlets will respond positively to youth e-mail or phone requests for publicity.

We hope that youth members will write and publish 4HMT articles they have written themselves for their local 4-H newsletters and newspapers, and claim credit for this work in their record books. Also, any radio or TV appearances will be an excellent addition to the record books. Information on this website and writers' imaginations and personal experiences will be very valuable to create interesting articles. Please contact local adult leaders or the project if you need further help.